How It Began
It’s all about safety. The Sea Tow Foundation was started in 2007 by Captain Joe Frohnhoefer (the founder of Sea Tow) after he witnessed too many preventable accidents and fatalities on the water.
Years later, the Sea Tow Foundation is still working hard with boating communities across the country to provide access to education, tools, and resources in order to eliminate preventable boating accidents and deaths.

Life Jacket Loaner Program
Since inception, the Sea Tow Foundation has distributed over 100,000 life jackets to local businesses and organizations across the United States. There are currently over 1,300 Life Jacket Loaner Stations offering boaters easy access to life jackets. Boaters can borrow the life jackets at no cost and return them when they are finished – making them available for the next person to use.

Sober Skipper Campaign
Alcohol is the leading known contributing factor in all fatal boating accidents. The mission of the Sober Skipper Campaign is to eliminate Boating Under the Influence by encouraging boaters to designate a sober skipper before every boating trip.

Educating boaters about visual distress signals including electronic flares as alternatives to pyrotechnic flares. Also providing information about how to dispose of expired flares in your community.

National Boating Safety Awards
The Sea Tow Foundation Boating Safety Advisory Council established the National Boating Safety Awards Program in 2019 to recognize and celebrate the top for-profit boating industry companies for their commitment to promoting boating safety initiatives. Efforts include but are not limited to: encouraging boaters to wear life jackets, designating a sober skipper, proper use of VHF radios and/or engine cut-off lanyards, recommendations to take a safety course or to carry required boating safety equipment and discussing other boating safety topics.
Sea Tow's Commitment to Safety
Learn how Sea Tow Captains promote boating safety in your local community.